8. A Little Match Girl - Gadis Kecil Penjual Korek Api

It was snowing on the last evening of the old year. A poor girl on bare feet was selling the matches in the street. In the whole day, no one bought her a match. She was cold and hungry.

The little girl sat at the corner of a walk. To make herself warm, she struck a match. 

In the fire, the girl saw a nice home. There were very delicious foods on the table. They were fruits, eggs, meat and toast goose. The toast goose was approaching the girl. Suddenly, the fire was out. In front of her, there was only a thick and cold wall.

Then the little girl struck another match. She saw a beautiful Christmas tree. There many presents and candles on it. She wanted to pick them up, but the fire was out again.

The little struck another match again. She saw her kind grandmother. She cried happily, “Granny, please take me away! Take me away!”. She closed her eyes and forgot the cold, the hungry, the sadness. She walked to her grandmother happily.

The next morning, people found the little girl had been dead. She was holding the fired matches in the hand at the time.

Salju turun pada malam terakhir di penghujung tahun. Seorang gadis kecil miskin bertelanjang kaki sedang menjual korek api di jalan. 

Sepanjang hari tadi, tidak ada yang membeli korek apinya. Ia kedinginan dan kelaparan.

Gadis kecil itu duduk di pojok tembok. Untuk menghangatkan badan, ia menyalakan sebatang korek api. Didalam api, gadis itu melihat sebuah rumah yang bagus. Ada makanan enak diatas meja. Ada buah-buahan, telur, daging dan angsa panggang. Angsa panggang itu mendekati si gadis. Tiba-tiba api padam, bayangan itu lenyap dan hanya tinggal tembok tebal dan dingin.

Lalu gadis kecil itu menyalakan korek api lagi. Ia melihat pohon Natal yang indah. Ada banyak kado dan lilin pada pohon itu. Ia ingin memetiknya tapi api padam lagi.

Gadis kecil menyalakan korek api lagi. Ia melihat neneknya yang baik hati. Ia menangis gembira, “Nenek, ajaklah aku! Ajak aku! “Ia menutup mata dan melupakan rasa dingin, lapar, sedih. Ia berjalan mendekati neneknya dengan gembira.

Keesokan paginya, orang-orang menemukan gadis kecil itu sudah meninggal sambil memegang korek api yang sudah dinyalakan.