2. Cinderella - 1 - to be continue

Cinderella was a nice girl, her mother died when she was very young. She lived with her stepmother and her two stepsisters. Everyday she had to do a lot of housework. She cleaned the floor, washed the clothes, cooked for her stepmother and stepsisters. They drank milk and ate good meals, Cinderella could only eat the things they didn't want to eat and drank they didn't want to drink.

One day, the King was going to have a birthday party in the city for his son, the Prince. All the girls in the city might go to the party. Cinderella's sisters were very happy, they put on their beautiful skirts and shoes. One of the stepsisters asked Cinderella to clean her shoes, the other asked Cinderella to help her with clothes. Cinderella had to do all the things for them, she was so busy. 

When her stepmother and sisters had all gone, Cinderella could have a rest then.

Cinderella adalah seorang gadis manis, ibunya meninggal ketika ia masih kecil. Ia tinggal bersama ibu tiri dan dua saudara perempuan tirinya. Setiap hari ia harus mengerjakan banyak pekerjaan rumah. Ia membersihkan lantai, mencuci pakaian, memasak untuk ibu dan kedua saudara perempuan tirinya. Mereka minum susu dan makan makanan lezat, Cinderella hanya makan makanan yang tidak ingin mereka minum.

Suatu hari, Raja akan menyelenggarakan pesta ulang tahun puteranya, sang Pangeran. Semua gadis boleh menghadiri pesta tersebut. Saudara-saudara Cinderella sangat gembira. Mereka memakai rok dan sepatu yang bagus-bagus. Salah seorang saudara tirinya menyuruh Cinderella membersihkan sepatu, sedangkan saudara yang satunya lagi menyuruh Cinderella membantu mengenakan pakaian. Cinderella terpaksa harus mengerjakan semua kebutuhan mereka, sehingga ia jadi sibuk sekali.

Setelah Ibu dan kedua saudara tirinya sudah pergi, barulah Cinderella dapat beristirahat.

:: to be continue - bersambung ::