17. The Fox and The Crow - Seekor Rubah dan Burung Gagak

One day a crow is very lucky. She finds a piece of meat and flies up into the tree with it. She wants to have it herself.

Just then a fox passes by. He sees the crow and the meat is in her mouth. The fox wants to get the meat very much. So he thinks out a good idea.

He smiles and comes close under the tree, “Dear Mrs. Crow, how are you? I know you are clever, but I don’t know you are so beautiful. How bright your eyes are! And how your feathers shine in the sun light!”

The silly old crow is very happy to hear that. “I suppose you can sing, you have the sweetest voice in all the forest. Please sing a song for me.” continues the fox.

After speaking, the fox looks up at the crow and waits.

“Caw! Caw!” cries the crow. The meat just drops from her bill. “Ha! Ha! Your voice is very good and so is the meat.” And then he takes the meat away.

Suatu hari gagak sangat mujur. Ia menemukan sepotong daging dan terbang ke atas pohon sambil membawa daging tersebut. Ia ingin memakan daging itu sendirian. Persis pada saat itu seekor rubah lewat. Ia melihat gagak dan daging dimulut sang gagak. Rubah itu ingin sekali mendapatkan daging itu. Maka ia lalu mencari ide.

Ia tersenyum dan beranjak kebawah pohon itu, “Nyonya Gagak sayang, apa kabar? Aku tahu kau pandai, tapi aku tidak menyadari betapa cantiknya dirimu. Matamu sangat indah dan bulu-bulumu bersinar diterpa sinar matahari!”

Gagak bodoh itu girang sekali mendengar pujian rubah.

“Aku yakin kamu pandai menyanyi karena suaramu paling merdu di seluruh hutan. Tolong dendangkan sebuah lagu untukku,” lanjut rubah.

Setelah bicara, rubah mendongak keatas dan menunggu.

“Oak! Oak!” jerit gagak. Daging dimulutnya terlepas dari paruhnya dan jatuh. “Ha! Ha! Suaramu memang sangat enak, begitu pula halnya daging ini.” kata rubah yang kemudian mengambil daging tersebut, lalu pergi.