30. Asal Usul Ikan Duyung - The Origin of The Mermaid - Sulawesi Tengah

Once upon a time, there lived a family consisting of father, mother, and three small children. The youngest child was still breastfeeding.

One day the father asked the mother to save the fish to be eaten early evening after coming home from the garden. The mother kept it in the closet.

At noon the youngest fish are kept whining for mother's. The mother had banned, but because she could not bear the child continues to whine to tears. Eventually the mother gave the fish to her son.

In the afternoon, when knowing the fish was gone, the father was angry because he was very hungry after a long day of work. He considers that his wife did not store food properly so that caught their child. All night he kept nagging that makes her sad.

The middle of the night, crying, the mother walked out of the house. She walked towards the sea when her son was asleep.

In the morning, the three children were looking for the mother. They are looking into all the rooms, but never found their mother. Finally, the eldest took his brother find their mother in the sea.

"Maybe our mother go out to sea to fish so our father do not get angry anymore," he said.

All three screaming for their mother. Finally, the mother appeared and immediately hugged them. She took the baby and nursed.

"After this you return it?" said the mother. Her three sons followed their mother because they thought their mother would soon follow home.

Until late their mother did not arrive. The next day, the children went back to the beach looking for their mother. After three shouted, their mother appeared, and then their mother nursing the youngest with great affection.

Suddenly there was a strangeness in the body of the mother. Her skin began scaly like a fish. The three children are shocked and denied that it was their mother.

"Come here son, let Mother breastfeeding your brother," said their mother pleaded.

"Sorry, you are not our mother. Our mother did not scaly like you. You just like our mother, "said the children. Then they go back down the beach looking for their mother.

The mother was very sad to hear the words of her son. However, she could not do anything because her body has now emerged as fish scales.

It is said that the origin of the mermaid so.

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Pada zaman dahulu kala, hiduplah sebuah keluarga yang terdiri atas Ayah, Ibu, dan tiga orang anak yang masih kecil. Anak paling bungsu masih menyusui.

Suatu hari sang Ayah meminta si Ibu menyimpan ikan yang akan dimakannya sore hari setelah pulang dari kebun. Si Ibu menyimpannya di lemari.

Siangnya anak yang paling kecil merengek minta ikan yang disimpan Ibunya itu. Si Ibu sempat melarang, tetapi ia tidak tega karena si anak terus merengek sampai menangis. Akhirnya si Ibu memberikan ikan tersebut kepada anaknya.

Sorenya, ketika mengetahui ikannya sudah habis, si Ayah marah karena ia sangat lapar setelah seharian bekerja. Ia menganggap istrinya tidak menyimpan makanan itu dengan baik sehingga ketahuan anak mereka. Sepanjang malam ia terus mengomel sehingga membuat istrinya sedih.

Tengah malam, sambil menangis, si Ibu pun berjalan keluar rumah. Ia berjalan menuju laut ketika anaknya sudah tidur.

Pagi harinya, ketiga anak itu mencari-cari si Ibu. Mereka mencari ke semua ruangan, tetapi tak kunjung menemukan Ibu mereka. Akhirnya si sulung mengajak adik-adiknya mencari Ibu mereka di laut.

“Mungkin Ibu ke laut mencari ikan agar Ayah tidak marah lagi,” katanya.

Ketiganya berteriak-teriak memanggil Ibunya. Akhirnya, sang Ibu pun muncul dan segera memeluk anaknya. Ia mengambil si kecil dan menyusuinya.

“Setelah ini kalian pulang ya?” kata sang Ibu. Ketiga anaknya mengikuti kata Ibunya karena mereka pikir Ibunya akan segera menyusul pulang.

Sampai larut malam Ibu mereka tidak kunjung tiba. Keesokan harinya, anak-anak ini pergi lagi ke pantai mencari si Ibu. Setelah tiga kali berteriak memanggil, Ibu mereka pun muncul, lalu si Ibu menyusui si bungsu dengan penuh kasih sayang.

Tiba-tiba terjadi keanehan pada tubuh sang Ibu. Kulitnya mulai bersisik seperti ikan. Ketiga anak tersebut terkejut dan menyangkal bahwa itu adalah Ibu mereka.

“Kemarilah nak, biarkan Ibu menyusui adikmu,” kata sang Ibu mengiba.

“Maaf, kau bukan Ibu kami. Ibu kami tidak bersisik seperti mu. Kau Cuma mirip dengan Ibu kami,” kata anak-anak itu. Lalu mereka kembali menyusuri pantai mencari Ibu mereka.

Sang Ibu sangat sedih mendengar kata-kata anaknya. Namun, ia tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena ditubuhnya kini telah muncul sisik-sisik seperti ikan.

Konon demikianlah asal usul ikan duyung.

:: Hendaknya Mematuhi Pesan Orang Tua dan Janganlah Menyelesaikan Masalah Dalam Keadaan Marah ::