103. Peri dan Hutan Berkabut - Elves and the Misty Forest

In a village there lived a girl who was innocent. Sheila name. She was happy to play on the edge of the forest. Her mother always reminded her that not too far into the woods. The Villagers believed, people who are too far into the forest, never to return. The interior of the forest was shrouded in thick fog. Nobody can find their way home if it has been lost.

Sheila always remember the message. But she was also curious to know the foggy area. Every time she went to play, her mother has always provided her with a bag of cookies, candies, chocolates, and a bottle of fruit juice. Sheila used to come to the border of fog in the forest. She sat under a tree and enjoy her lunch there. Sheila eager stepped into that foggy area. But she was afraid.

One time, as usual Sheila came to the frontier fog. She sat enjoying her lunch. She suddenly felt a few pairs of eyes watching her. She directs looked around to find out. But she did not find anyone.

"Hey! Whoever it is, get out! If you want, you can eat cake with me, "cried Sheila curious.

Hearing Sheila bid, some creatures ventured appeared before Sheila. Three fairies appear before Sheila. Their bodies were only half the height Sheila. No wings on her back. Their ears are pointy toes. With their timid toward Sheila. The little fairies was brave without hesitation handed her lunch to eat together. Fairies named Pio, Plea, and Plop. The three fairy sisters.

Since that time her new friend Sheila and third often eat lunch together. Sometimes they exchange provisions. One day Sheila asked her friends.

"Pio, Plea, Plop, why there are areas in this forest foggy? What does it say? And why no one has ever come back? You live in the woods next to where? "She asked curiously.

Hear Sheila question the fairies exchanged glances. They know the answer, but feel free to tell Sheila. After thinking for a moment, finally they tell secrets known only to the misty forest of the fairies.

"The elves lived in the forest behind the mist. Including us. It is a protective fog so that no one can enter into our territory without permission. We are three sisters keeper fairy foggy area. If the fog thinned, we'll blow it again a lot. If there is an uninvited guest into our territory, we were soon led her astray, "said Pio, Plea, Plop.

Sheila was amazed to hear it.

"Can I come to your country sometime?" Said Sheila hopes.

Third elf counsel moment.

"All right. We will be working on it,"they said.

Soon Sheila invited Pio, and Plop Plea to their country. Sheila took that day cakes, chocolate, and lots of candy. Previously, Sheila dressed as fairies by her three friends. It was so they could trick the other fairies. Actually, are prohibited entry into the fairy. The three friends Sheila also gives special glasses to Sheila. With glasses that Sheila could see clearly.

Foggy area full of various herbs heretic. Various different paths look the same. If you're not careful it will get lost and circling in the same place. With the guidance of Pio, Plea, and Plop the end they all get to the fairy land. There house was tiny. The form was weird. There is a mushroom-shaped houses, the shape of shoes, even in the form of a pot. Their clothes like costumes for the carnival. Activity elves also vary. There are gathering honey, singing, making clothes out of flower petals ... All looks good cheer.

Sheila was very pleased. She was introduced to other fairy child. They were very surprised to know Sheila is human. But they are happy to meet and promised not to tell the fairy queen. Apparently they want to know about the man. They played happily. Sheila and the kids romp fairies, singing, telling stories and laughing out loud. They also exchange food. Anyway today was fun.

Sheila told to clean up the garden and take care of the beautiful flowers. The flowers are blooming and invited the beetles so the park became more lively.

"Get out! You've passed the exam,"said the fairy queen.

Apparently Sheila kindness made her escape punishment. She was allowed to go home and her friends be free. Fairy queen makes Sheila drowsy and fell asleep. She erase the memory of Sheila about fairy land. But she was still a little leaves that Sheila can remember in the dream. When she woke up, she was in her favorite bed.

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Di sebuah desa hiduplah seorang anak perempuan yang lugu. Sheila namanya. Ia senang sekali bermain di tepi hutan. Ibunya selalu mengingatkannya agar tak terlalu jauh masuk ke hutan. Penduduk desa itu percaya, orang yang terlalu jauh masuk ke hutan, tak akan pernah kembali. Bagian dalam hutan itu diselubungi kabut tebal. Tak seorang pun dapat menemukan jalan pulang jika sudah tersesat.

Sheila selalu mengingat pesan ibunya. Namun ia juga penasaran ingin mengetahui daerah berkabut itu. Setiap kali pergi bermain, ibu Sheila selalu membekalinya dengan sekantong kue, permen, coklat, dan sebotol jus buah. Sheila sering datang ke tempat perbatasan kabut di hutan. Ia duduk di bawah pohon dan menikmati bekalnya di sana. Sheila ingin sekali melangkahkan kakinya ke dalam daerah berkabut itu. Namun ia takut.

Suatu kali, seperti biasa Sheila datang ke daerah perbatasan kabut. Seperti biasa ia duduk menikmati bekalnya. Tiba-tiba Sheila merasa ada beberapa pasang mata memperhatikannya. Ia mengarahkan pandangan ke sekeliling untuk mencari tahu. Namun Sheila tak menemukan siapa-siapa. “Hei! Siapa pun itu, keluarlah! Jika kalian mau, kalian dapat makan kue bersamaku,” teriak Sheila penasaran.

Mendengar tawaran Sheila, beberapa makhluk memberanikan diri muncul di depan Sheila. Tampak tiga peri di hadapan Sheila. Tubuh mereka hanya separuh tinggi badan Sheila. Di punggungnya ada sayap. Telinga mereka berujung lancip. Dengan takut-takut mereka menghampiri Sheila. Anak kecil pemberani itu tanpa ragu-ragu menyodorkan bekalnya untuk dimakan bersama-sama. Peri-peri itu bernama Pio, Plea, dan Plop. Ketiga peri itu kakak beradik.

Sejak saat itu Sheila dan ketiga kawan barunya sering makan bekal bersama-sama. Kadang mereka saling bertukar bekal. Suatu hari Sheila bertanya kepada ketiga temannya, “Pio, Plea, Plop, mengapa ada daerah berkabut di hutan ini? Apa isinya? Dan mengapa tak ada yang pernah kembali? Kalian tinggal di hutan sebelah mana?” tanya Sheila penuh ingin tahu. Mendengar pertanyaan Sheila ketiga peri itu saling bertukar pandang. Mereka tahu jawabannya namun ragu untuk memberi tahu Sheila. Setelah berpikir sejenak, akhirnya mereka memberitahu rahasia hutan berkabut yang hanya diketahui para peri.

“Para peri tinggal di balik hutan berkabut. Termasuk kami. Kabut itu adalah pelindung agar tak seorang pun dapat masuk ke wilayah kami tanpa izin. Kami tiga bersaudara adalah peri penjaga daerah berkabut. Jika kabut menipis, kami akan meniupkannya lagi banyak-banyak. Jika ada tamu yang tak diundang masuk ke wilayah kami, kami segera membuatnya tersesat,” jelas Pio, Plea, Plop.

Sheila terkagum-kagum mendengarnya. “Bisakah aku datang ke negeri kalian suatu waktu?” tanya Sheila berharap. Ketiga peri itu berembuk sejenak. “Baiklah. Kami akan mengusahakannya,” kata mereka. Tak lama kemudian Sheila diajak Pio, Plea dan Plop ke negeri mereka. Hari itu Sheila membawa kue, coklat, dan permen banyak-banyak. Sebelumnya, Sheila didandani seperti peri oleh ketiga temannya. Itu supaya mereka bisa mengelabui para peri lain. Sebenarnya manusia dilarang masuk ke wilayah peri. Ketiga teman Sheila ini juga memberi kacamata khusus pada Sheila. Dengan kacamata itu Sheila dapat melihat dengan jelas.

Daerah berkabut penuh dengan berbagai tumbuhan penyesat. Berbagai jalan yang berbeda nampak sama. Jika tidak hati-hati maka akan tersesat dan berputar-putar di tempat yang sama. Dengan bimbingan Pio, Plea, dan Plop akhirnya mereka semua sampai ke negeri peri. Di sana rumah tampak mungil. Bentuknya pun aneh-aneh. Ada rumah berbentuk jamur, berbentuk sepatu, bahkan ada yang berbentuk teko. Pakaian mereka seperti kostum untuk karnaval. Kegiatan para peri pun bermacam-macam. Ada yang mengumpulkan madu, bernyanyi, membuat baju dari kelopak bunga… Semua tampak riang gembira.

Sheila sangat senang. Ia diperkenalkan kepada anak peri lainnya. Mereka sangat terkejut mengetahui Sheila adalah manusia. Namun mereka senang dapat bertemu dan berjanji tak akan memberi tahu ratu peri. Rupanya mereka pun ingin tahu tentang manusia. Mereka bermain gembira. Sheila dan para anak peri berkejar-kejaran, bernyanyi, bercerita dan tertawa keras-keras. Mereka juga saling bertukar makanan. Pokoknya hari itu menyenangkan sekali.

Sheila disuruh membersihkan taman dan merawat bunga-bunga yang indah. Bunga-bunga bermekaran dan mengundang kumbang-kumbang sehingga taman menjadi semakin semarak.

“Keluarlah! Kau lulus ujian, ” kata ratu peri. Ternyata kebaikan hati Sheila membuat ia lolos dari hukuman. Ia diperbolehkan pulang dan teman perinya bebas hukuman. Ratu peri membuat Sheila mengantuk dan tertidur. Ia menghapus ingatan Sheila tentang negeri peri. Namun ia masih menyisakannya sedikit agar Sheila dapat mengingatnya di dalam mimpi. Ketika terbangun, Sheila berada di kasur kesayangannya.