In the days of yore there are widow Nyai Banteng Wareng name. She lived in a river not far from the Java Sea. No one knows the origin of the widow and why she called Nyai Banteng Wareng.
Nyai Banteng Wareng lived in a hut that is very simple with her son. No wonder she very fond of her son. Where did she go always brought along. The main livelihood is farming.
Originally, the land in that area can not be planted because it contains too much salt water. Any vegetation planted is always dead. However, cause her the magic, the soil in that area to be very fertile. Now, just the opposite of what was planted in the area was definitely alive. Therefore, Nyai Banteng Wareng with her son never underfed. Their crops abundant, both in the form of tubers and vegetables.
Occasionally, Nyai Banteng Wareng go to the river to catch fish. Not too difficult to catch many fish. Armed with her power, Nyai Banteng Wareng fish can get what and how much she wants.
Her son grow healthier and bigger. Although his skin was dark, but he is very handsome. Nyai Banteng Wareng affection grew. For fun - pleasing her heart, often she brought her son to shore in the morning and afternoon. There they watched the beautiful scenery in the morning and late afternoon when the sun rises and sets.
Occasionally, on leave anyway her son bathing in the sea. Nyai Banteng Wareng very happy to see her beloved son seemed happy. However, behind the sense of excitement that arises also worried. Therefore, Nyai Banteng Wareng not get enough of always advised to be careful.
On the other hand, the love him of the sea increasingly growing. Almost every day he went to sea and bathe there sometimes until the sun goes down she just got home.
"Why are you up so late a new home, son?" Ask Nyai Banteng Wareng at one time.
"Sorry Mom ! Incidentally when I would go home earlier, I met someone."
"Met up with someone?" Ask Nyai Banteng Wareng amazement.
"Yes Mom! An Old Man, white -haired and bearded. He invited me to come with him?"
"Asked you to come with him?" Asked Nyai Banteng Wareng fully surprised.
That night, Nyai Banteng Wareng can not close her eyes at all. She wondered who the Old Man told her son. Nyai Banteng Wareng confuse, this time he is not related or acquainted with anyone.
Meanwhile, her son more often go overboard and always came home before sunset. It has been more than three times he met and bearded white-haired Old Man. The Old Man always had him every time they would be separated.
Nyai Banteng Wareng very concerned about the safety of her son. Her think haunted by the miracles she did not want. Therefore, she always reminds her son whenever the boy went to sea.
"You do not have to are concerned, Mom. I 've been a good swimmer. Trust me, it will not happen over me."
He always answer each time reminded by his mother. Becoming the Nyai Banteng Wareng concerns have been mounting. Especially after his son told her that the old man was always see him and invites as well.
Nyai Banteng Wareng finally decided to meditate, to ask help from the Almighty in order to avoid anything upon her son. Nyai Banteng Wareng very surprised that till the fifth day she meditated no signs the petition will be granted. She was almost desperate. However, for the safety of son the only thing she was determined to continue their meditation desired to come true. Then on the seventh day, the answer was obtained.
"Nyai Banteng Wareng, I thank your persistence in order to achieve your ambition." That sound was suddenly heard pronounce unnoticed figure.
Has not lost a sense of wonder and fear, the voice came again. Come out from where you live it. In the left corner of you hut have me provide for you to put the anchor roped on your son if he is going to bathe in the sea. Accompanies the loss of that voice, a voice heard beyond the big bird left wing hut Nyai Banteng Wareng. With a hasty exit Nyai Banteng Wareng fulfill orders in the earlier hearing. Right! In places mentioned by the voice she found an anchor that equipped with a rope very long. Nyai Banteng Wareng be incalculable joy. She is grateful to the Almighty for having given lifesaving tools for her son.
The next morning, when Nyai Banteng Wareng field she wanted to meet her son, while showing the anchor in her hand, she said to her son.
"My son , if you want a bath later, tie the rope to the body. Then, place the anchors in the ground."
"Ah ... how come?"
"To keep your safety, so you do not drift."
"ou do not have to worry. Trust me, it will not happen over me. I 've been a good swimmer. Yesterday I have tried more to the middle. In fact, I can not go back?"
Nyai Banteng Wareng not going to argue even longer with her son. While recalling that her son wanted to use anchor prepared, Nyai Banteng Wareng go to the fields.
After that, son of Nyai Banteng Wareng was getting ready to sea. Anchors were prepared his mother not carried. He considered it just troublesome. He believes his ability to swim cope with whatever happens.
Not long ago, when he swimming, suddenly the sound of thunder. The rain came very swift. The sound of thunder. The wind was blowing very hard. Sea water rise and roll. All objects drawn without remainder. No exception Nyai Banteng Wareng's son.
Nyai Banteng Wareng ran toward the beach, where her son a regular shower - bath. To bad, her son was not found. Only, from the distant sounding voice," Mom.... forgive me. I counsel your violated. I'm sorry"
"Nyai Banteng Wareng stunned, sad. She did not know what to do. With step languid and grief-stricken, she went back to her hut.
Nyai Banteng Wareng very sad. Finally, she fell ill and died in a simple her hut by the river near the Java Sea. That said, the place that is now known Bengan KALI BANTENG name.
Tersebutlah seorang janda sakti Nyai Banteng Wareng namanya. Dia bertempat tinggal di sebuah tepi sungai tidak jauh dari Laut Jawa. Tidak seorang pun tahu asal usul janda tersebut dan mengapa dia disebut Nyai Banteng Wareng.
Originally, the land in that area can not be planted because it contains too much salt water. Any vegetation planted is always dead. However, cause her the magic, the soil in that area to be very fertile. Now, just the opposite of what was planted in the area was definitely alive. Therefore, Nyai Banteng Wareng with her son never underfed. Their crops abundant, both in the form of tubers and vegetables.
Occasionally, Nyai Banteng Wareng go to the river to catch fish. Not too difficult to catch many fish. Armed with her power, Nyai Banteng Wareng fish can get what and how much she wants.
Her son grow healthier and bigger. Although his skin was dark, but he is very handsome. Nyai Banteng Wareng affection grew. For fun - pleasing her heart, often she brought her son to shore in the morning and afternoon. There they watched the beautiful scenery in the morning and late afternoon when the sun rises and sets.
Occasionally, on leave anyway her son bathing in the sea. Nyai Banteng Wareng very happy to see her beloved son seemed happy. However, behind the sense of excitement that arises also worried. Therefore, Nyai Banteng Wareng not get enough of always advised to be careful.
On the other hand, the love him of the sea increasingly growing. Almost every day he went to sea and bathe there sometimes until the sun goes down she just got home.
"Why are you up so late a new home, son?" Ask Nyai Banteng Wareng at one time.
"Sorry Mom ! Incidentally when I would go home earlier, I met someone."
"Met up with someone?" Ask Nyai Banteng Wareng amazement.
"Yes Mom! An Old Man, white -haired and bearded. He invited me to come with him?"
"Asked you to come with him?" Asked Nyai Banteng Wareng fully surprised.
That night, Nyai Banteng Wareng can not close her eyes at all. She wondered who the Old Man told her son. Nyai Banteng Wareng confuse, this time he is not related or acquainted with anyone.
Meanwhile, her son more often go overboard and always came home before sunset. It has been more than three times he met and bearded white-haired Old Man. The Old Man always had him every time they would be separated.
Nyai Banteng Wareng very concerned about the safety of her son. Her think haunted by the miracles she did not want. Therefore, she always reminds her son whenever the boy went to sea.
"You do not have to are concerned, Mom. I 've been a good swimmer. Trust me, it will not happen over me."
He always answer each time reminded by his mother. Becoming the Nyai Banteng Wareng concerns have been mounting. Especially after his son told her that the old man was always see him and invites as well.
Nyai Banteng Wareng finally decided to meditate, to ask help from the Almighty in order to avoid anything upon her son. Nyai Banteng Wareng very surprised that till the fifth day she meditated no signs the petition will be granted. She was almost desperate. However, for the safety of son the only thing she was determined to continue their meditation desired to come true. Then on the seventh day, the answer was obtained.
"Nyai Banteng Wareng, I thank your persistence in order to achieve your ambition." That sound was suddenly heard pronounce unnoticed figure.
Has not lost a sense of wonder and fear, the voice came again. Come out from where you live it. In the left corner of you hut have me provide for you to put the anchor roped on your son if he is going to bathe in the sea. Accompanies the loss of that voice, a voice heard beyond the big bird left wing hut Nyai Banteng Wareng. With a hasty exit Nyai Banteng Wareng fulfill orders in the earlier hearing. Right! In places mentioned by the voice she found an anchor that equipped with a rope very long. Nyai Banteng Wareng be incalculable joy. She is grateful to the Almighty for having given lifesaving tools for her son.
The next morning, when Nyai Banteng Wareng field she wanted to meet her son, while showing the anchor in her hand, she said to her son.
"My son , if you want a bath later, tie the rope to the body. Then, place the anchors in the ground."
"Ah ... how come?"
"To keep your safety, so you do not drift."
"ou do not have to worry. Trust me, it will not happen over me. I 've been a good swimmer. Yesterday I have tried more to the middle. In fact, I can not go back?"
Nyai Banteng Wareng not going to argue even longer with her son. While recalling that her son wanted to use anchor prepared, Nyai Banteng Wareng go to the fields.
After that, son of Nyai Banteng Wareng was getting ready to sea. Anchors were prepared his mother not carried. He considered it just troublesome. He believes his ability to swim cope with whatever happens.
Not long ago, when he swimming, suddenly the sound of thunder. The rain came very swift. The sound of thunder. The wind was blowing very hard. Sea water rise and roll. All objects drawn without remainder. No exception Nyai Banteng Wareng's son.
Nyai Banteng Wareng ran toward the beach, where her son a regular shower - bath. To bad, her son was not found. Only, from the distant sounding voice," Mom.... forgive me. I counsel your violated. I'm sorry"
"Nyai Banteng Wareng stunned, sad. She did not know what to do. With step languid and grief-stricken, she went back to her hut.
Nyai Banteng Wareng very sad. Finally, she fell ill and died in a simple her hut by the river near the Java Sea. That said, the place that is now known Bengan KALI BANTENG name.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Tersebutlah seorang janda sakti Nyai Banteng Wareng namanya. Dia bertempat tinggal di sebuah tepi sungai tidak jauh dari Laut Jawa. Tidak seorang pun tahu asal usul janda tersebut dan mengapa dia disebut Nyai Banteng Wareng.
Nyai Banteng Wareng tinggal di
sebuah gubug yang amat sederhana bersama anak laki-laki satu-satunya. Tidak
heran Nyai Banteng Wareng sangat menyayangi anaknya itu. Kemana dia pergi
selalu di bawa serta. Mata pencaharian utama Nyai Banteng Wareng adalah bertani.
Semula, tanah di daerah itu tidak
dapat di tanami karena terlalu banyak mengandung air garam. Tumbuhan apapun
yang di tanam selalu mati. Akan tetapi, berkat kesaktian Nyai Banteng Wareng,
tanah di daerah itu menjadi sangat subur. Sekarang, justru sebaliknya apa pun
yang ditanam di daerah itu pasti hidup. Oleh karena itulah, Nyai Banteng Wareng
bersama anaknya tidak pernah kekurangan makan. Hasil kebunnya berlimpah, baik
yang berupa umbi-umbian maupun sayur-sayuran.
Sesekali, Nyai Banteng Wareng
pergi ke sungai untuk menangkap ikan. Tidak terlalu sulit mendapatkan tangkapan
ikan yang banyak. Berbekal kesaktiannya, Nyai Banteng Wareng dapat mendapatkan
ikan apa dan berapa banyak yang diinginkannya.
Anak laki-laki Nyai Banteng
Wareng tumbuh dengan sehat dan makin besar. Meskipun kulitnya tampak hitam,
wajahnya sangat tampan. Kasih sayang Nyai Banteng Wareng semakin bertambah.
Untuk menyenang-nyenangkan hati anaknya, sering pada pagi dan sore hari Nyai
Banteng Wareng membawanya ke pantai. Di sana mereka menyaksikan indahnya
pemandangan alam pagi dan sore ketika matahari terbit dan tenggelam.
Sesekali, dibiarkan pula oleh
Nyai Banteng Wareng anak laki-lakinya mandi di laut. Nyai Banteng Wareng amat
bahagia menyaksikan anak kesayangannya tampak gembira. Namun, di balik
kegembiraannya itu timbul pula rasa khawatirnya. Oleh karena itu, Nyai Banteng
Wareng tidak bosan-bosannya selalu berpesan agar anaknya berhati-hati.
Di sisi lain, kecintaan anak Nyai
Banteng Wareng terhadap laut makin hari makin bertambah. Hampir setiap hari dia
pergi ke laut dan mandi-mandi di sana kadang-kadang sampai menjelang matahari
terbenam dia baru pulang.
“Kenapa sampai demikian sore kamu
baru pulang, Nak?” Tanya Nyai Banteng Wareng pada suatu ketika.
“Maaf Ibu! Kebetulan ketika saya
akan pulang tadi, saya bertemu dengan seseorang."
“Bertemu dengan seseorang ?”
Tanya Nyai Banteng Wareng penuh keheranan.
“Betul Ibu! Seorang laki-laki
tua, berambut dan berjenggot putih. Dia mengajak saya ikut dengannya ?"
“Mengajakmu ikut dengannya?” tanya Nyai Banteng Wareng dengan penuh terkejut.
malam itu, Nyai Banteng Wareng
tidak dapat memejamkan mata sedikitpun. Dia bertanya-tanya, siapa gerangan
orang tua yang di ceritakan anaknya itu. Seingat Nyai Banteng Wareng, selama
ini dia tidak berhubungan atau berkenalan dengan siapa pun.
Sementara itu, anak laki-laki
Nyai Banteng Wareng makin sering pergi ke laut dan selalu pulang menjelang
matahari terbenam. Sudah lebih dari tiga kali dia ditemui kakek berambut dan
berjenggot putih. Selalu si kakek mengajaknya ikut setiap kali mereka akan
Nyai Banteng Wareng sangat
khawatir akan keselamatan anak laki-lakinya.Pikirannya selalu di hantui oleh
keajaiban-keajaiban yang tak diinginkannya. Oleh karena itu, dia selalu
mengingatkan anak laki-lakinya setiap kali anak itu berangkat ke laut.
“Ibu tidak usah khwatir, Bu. Saya
sudah pandai berenang. Percayalah, tidak akan terjadi apa-apa atas diri
Demikianlah selalu jawaban anak
laki-laki Nyai Banteng Wareng setiap kali diingatkan oleh Ibunya. Semakin hari
kekhawatiran Nyai Banteng Wareng makin memuncak.
Lebih-lebih setelah anak
laki-lakinya bercerita bahwa si kakek berambut dan berjenggot putih itu selalu
menemuinya dan mengajak serta.
Nyai Banteng Wareng akhirnya
memutuskan untuk bersemedi, memohon pertolongan kepada Sang Maha kuasa agar
tidak terjadi apa-apa atas diri anak laki-lakinya. Nyai Banteng Wareng sangat
heran karena samapi pada hari kelima ia bersemedi tidak ada tanda-tanda
permohonannya akan dikabulkan. Dia hampir putus asa. Namun, demi keselamatan
anak laki-laki satu-satunya dia bertekat akan melanjutkan semedinya sampai yang
diinginkan terkabul. Barulah pada hari ketujuh, jawaban itu diperolehnya.
“Nyai Banteng Wareng, aku puji
keteguhanmu dalam upaya mencapai cita-citamu.” Demikian suara itu tiba-tiba
didengarnya tanpa diketahui sosok yang mengucapkannya.
Belum hilang rasa heran dan takut
Nyai Banteng Wareng, suara itu kembali terdengar.
Keluarlah kamu dari tempat
tinggalmu ini. Pada sudut kiri gubugmu ini telah aku sediakan jangkar bertali
untuk kau pakaikan pada anak laki-lakimu jika dia akan mandi di laut. Menyertai
hilangnya suara itu, terdengar di luar suara kepak burung yang besar
meninggalkan gubug Nyai Banteng Wareng.
Dengan tergesa-gesa Nyai Banteng Wareng keluar memenuhi perintah yang di dengarnya tadi. Benar! Di tempat yang disebutkan oleh suara tadi didapatinya sebuah jangkar yang bertalikan amat panjang. Tak terkirakan gembira hati Nyai Banteng Wareng. Dia bersyukur kepada yang Maha Kuasa karena telah di beri alat penyelamat untuk anak laki-lakinya.
Dengan tergesa-gesa Nyai Banteng Wareng keluar memenuhi perintah yang di dengarnya tadi. Benar! Di tempat yang disebutkan oleh suara tadi didapatinya sebuah jangkar yang bertalikan amat panjang. Tak terkirakan gembira hati Nyai Banteng Wareng. Dia bersyukur kepada yang Maha Kuasa karena telah di beri alat penyelamat untuk anak laki-lakinya.
Keesokan paginya, ketika Nyai
Banteng Wareng hendak ke ladang dia temui anak laki-lakinya, sambil menunjukkan
jangkar yang ada di tangannya, dia pun berkata kepada anak laki-lakinya.
“Nak, jika kau mau mandi nanti,
ikatkanlah tali ini pada tubuhmu. Kemudian, letakkanlah jangkar ini di tanah."
“Ah… mengapa harus susah-susah
begitu Ibu ?"
“Untuk menjaga keselamatanmu, agar
kau tidak terbawa arus."
“Ibu tidak usah khawatir.
Percayalah, tidak akan terjadi apa-apa atas diri saya. Saya sudah pandai
berenang. Kemarin saya telah mencoba lebih ke tengah. Nyatanya, saya dapat
kembali bukan?"
Nyai Banteng Wareng tidak mau berdebat
lebih panjang lagi dengan anak laki-lakinya. Sambil mengingatkan kembali agar
anak laki-lakinya mau memakai jangkar yang disiapkannya, Nyai Banteng Wareng
pergi ke ladang.
Sepeninggalnya Nyai Banteng
Wareng, anak laki-laki Nyai Banteng Wareng pun bersiap-siap ke laut. Jangkar
yang disiapkan Nyai Banteng Wareng tidak dibawanya. Dia menganggap hal itu
hanya merepotkannya. Dia yakin kemampuannya berenang mengatasi apapun yang akan
Tidak berapa lama, anak laki-laki
Nyai Banteng Wareng berenang, mendadak terdengar suara gemuruh. Hujan datang
amat derasnya. Ditingkahi suara guntur menggelegar. Angin pun bertiup amat
kencang. Air laut naik dan bergulung-gulung. Semua benda terseret tanpa sisa.
Tidak terkecuali anak laki-laki Nyai Banteng Wareng.
Nyai Banteng Wareng berlari
menuju pantai, tempat anak laki-lakinya biasa mandi-mandi. Malang, anak
laki-lakinya tidak ditemukannya. Hanya, dari arah jauh terdengar suara,“ Ibu….
maafkan saya. Saya melanggar nasihatmu Ibu. Maafkan saya."
Nyai Banteng Wareng tercenung,
sedih. Dia tidak tahu apa yang harus diperbuatnya. Dengan langkah guntai dan
hati pilu, dia pun kembali ke gubugnya.
Kesedihan Nyai Banteng Wareng
semakin hari semakin memuncak. Akhirnya, dia jatuh sakit dan meninggal di
gubugnya yang sederhana di tepi sungai dekat laut jawa tersebut. Konon, tempat
itulah yang sekarang dikenal bengan nama KALI BANTENG.
terletak di wilayah Semarang Barat. Di wilayah itulah lapangan udara Ahmad Yani
kini berada.