110. Mickey Mouse - Miki Tikus

Mickey is very clever mouse. Tom is his enemy, because Tom is a cat.

One day, Mickey was very hungry and wanted to eat some food. Under a chair, there was a cake. Tom was tied to the chair. He wanted to keep the mouse off the cake. Mickey thought for a while, then he got an idea. He ran around the chair. Tom ran after him. The rope around Tom’s neck was getting shorter and shorter. At last, the mouse stopped. He looked very pleased. 

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Miki adalah seekor tikus yang sangat cerdik. Tom adalah musuhnya, karena Tom adalah seekor kucing.

Suatu hari, Miki merasa sangat lapar dan ingin makan sesuatu. Di kolong kursi ada sepotong kue, namun disana ada Tom diikat dikursi itu. Ia tidak ingin tikus itu mengambil kue tersebut. Miki berpikir sejenak, kemudian mendapat akal. Ia lari mengitari kursi. Tom mengejarnya. Tali yang mengikat leher Tom menjadi semakin pendek. Akhirnya tikus itu berhenti. Ia tampak sangat senang.